Публикации Халафяна Алексана Альбертовича

Разработка и анализ многоэлементного "образа" вин

  1. Khalafyan A.A., Temerdashev Z.A., Abakumov A.G., Yakuba Y.F., Sheludko O.N., Kaunova A.A. Multidimensional analysis of the interaction of volatile compounds and amino acids in the formation of sensory properties of natural wine // Heliyon. 2023. V. 9(1),e12814. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e12814. Q1. IF 3.645. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240584402300021X
  2. Temerdashev, Z.; Bolshov, M.; Abakumov, A.; Khalafyan, A.; Kaunova, A.; Vasilyev, A.; Sheludko, O.; Ramazanov, A. Can Rare Earth Elements Be Considered as Markers of the Varietal and Geographical Origin of Wines? Molecules. 2023, 28, 4319. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28114319. Q1. IF 4.927 https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/28/11/4319
  3. Temerdashev Z., Abakumov A., Bolshov M., Khalafyan A., Ageeva N., Vasilyev A., Ramazanov A. Instrumental assessment of the formation of the elemental composition of wines with various bentonite clays // Microchemical Journal. 175. Article 107145. doi: 10.1016/j.microc.2021.107145. Q 2. IF 5.1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0026265X21012315
  4. Temerdashev Z., Abakumov A., Bolshov M., Khalafyan A., Ageeva N., Vasilyev A. Data on the influence of clarification and stabilization with bentonite clays on the elemental composition of red wines determining their varietal affiliation // Data in Brief. 2022. 42,1081632. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108163. Q2. IF 1.9. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352340922003675
  5. Khalafyan, A.A., Temerdashev, Z.A., Akin'shina, V.A., Yakuba, Y.F. Study of consistency of expert evaluations of wine sensory characteristics by positional analysis // Heliyon. 2021. 7(2), e06162. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06162. Q1. IF 3.645. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240584402100267X
  6. Khalafyan, A.A., Temerdashev, Z.A., Akin'shina, V.A., Yakuba, Y.F. Data on the sensory evaluation of the dry red and white wines quality obtained by traditional technologies from European and hybrid grape varieties in the Krasnodar Territory, Russia // Data in Brief. 2021. 36,106992. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.106992. Q2. IF 1.9. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352340921002766
  7. Khalafyan, A.A., Temerdashev, Z.A., Abakumov, A.G., Yakuba, Y.F. Chemometric Estimation of the Contributions of Metals and Volatile Compounds to the Sensory Properties of Some Natural Grape Wines // Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 76(8), рр. 1016–1027. doi: 10.1134/S1061934821080074. Q4.IF 1.05. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1061934821080074
  8. Khalafyan, A.A., Temerdashev, Z.A., Abakumov, A.G., Yakuba, Y.F. A Chemometric (Geometric) Approach to Ranking Dry White Wines by the Results of Sensory Evaluation of Their Quality // Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 76(8), рр. 1007–1015. doi: 10.1134/S1061934821080062.Q4.IF 1.05. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1061934821080062
  9. Temerdashev Z., Abakumov A., Khalafyan A., Ageeva N. Correlations between the elemental composition of grapes, soils of the viticultural area and wine // Industrial Laboratory. Materials Diagnostics. 2021. 87(11). pp. 11-18. doi: 10.26896/1028-6861-2021-87-11-11-18. Q4. IF 0.7. https://www.zldm.ru/jour/article/view/1516
  10. Temerdashev Z.A., Khalafyan A.A., Yakuba Y.F. Comparative assessment of amino acids and volatile compounds role in the formation of wines sensor properties by means of covariation analysis // Heliyon. 2019. V. 5(10),e02626. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02626. Q1. IF 3.645. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844019362863
  11. Khalafyan A.A., Temerdashev Z.A., Yakuba Y.F., Guguchkina T.I. Computer analysis of the sensory qualities of red wines as a method to optimize their blend formulation // Heliyon. 2019. V. 5(5),e01602. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01602. Q1. IF 3.645. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240584401834475X
  12. Khalafyan, A.A., Temerdashev, Z.A., Kaunova, A.A., Abakumov, A.G., Titarenko, V.O., Akin’shina, V.A., Ivanovets, E.A. Determination of the Wine Variety and Geographical Origin of White Wines Using Neural Network Technologies // Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 74(6), рр. 617–624. doi: 10.1134/S1061934819060042. Q4.IF 1.05. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1061934819060042
  13. Temerdashev, Z.A., Khalafyan, A.A., Kaunova, A.A., Abakumov, A.G., Titarenko, V.O., Akin'shina, V.A. Using neural networks to identify the regional and varietal origin of Cabernet and Merlot dry red wines produced in Krasnodar region // Foods and Raw Materials, 2019, 7(1), рр. 124–130. doi: 10.21603/2308-4057-2019-1-124-130. Q4.IF 1.05. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334020029_...
  14. Titarenko, V.O., Khalafyan, A.A., Temerdashev, Z.A., Kaunova, A.A., Ivanovets, E.A. Application of Statistical Methods for Classification of Varietal and Regional Origin of White Wines // Inorganic Materials, 2018, 54(14), рр. 1435–1442. doi: 10.1134/S0020168518140157. Q3.IF 1.05. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0020168518140157
  15. Titarenko, V.O., Khalafyan, A.A., Temerdashev, Z.A., Kaunova, A.A., Abakumov, A.G. Identification of the varietal and regional origin of red wines by classification analysis // Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 73(2), рр. 195–206. doi: 10.1134/S1061934818020132. Q4. IF 1.05. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1061934818020132


  1. Polovinkin V.V., Igolkin A.N., Pryn P.S., Khalafyan A.A. Results of reconstructive surgery with formation of low colorectal anastomoses after previous Hartmann’s procedure // Pirogov Russian Journal of Surgery. 2022. 1. рр. 39-49. doi: 10.17116/hirurgia202201139. Q4. IF 0.3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358146998_...
  2. Karakhalis L.Yu., Zakharova E.S., Khalafyan A.A., Kozyr L.N., Penzhoyan G.A. Hyperandrogenic dermopathy in the practice of obstetrician-gynecologists // Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii. 2022. 21(6). pp. 131–138. DOI: 10.20953/1726-1678-2022-6-131-138. https://kkb2-kuban.ru/science/publications/18
  3. Krutova V.A., Baklakova A.A., Khalafyan A.A. Luteal phase support with daily administration of GnRH agonist compared to progesterone/estradiol in IVF cycles with ovulation trigger substitution. A randomized controlled trial // Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii. 2022. 21(5). pp. 14–20. DOI: 10.20953/1726-1678-2022-5-14-20. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49931747
  4. Porhanov V.A., Kazimirov I.S., Tatarintseva Z.G., Shtraub V.V., Kholodova V.E., Khalafyan A.A. Features of the course of coronavirus infection in patients after thoracic and cardiac surgery // Innovative Medicine of Kuban. 2022. 1. pp. 27-37. doi:10.35401/2500-0268-2022-25-1-27-37. Q4. IF 0.2 https://www.innovmedkub.ru/jour/article/view/503
  5. Tatarintseva Z.G., Kosmacheva E.D., Chumachenko N.V., Khalafyan A.A. COVID-19 after emergency coronary artery bypass grafting: features of the postoperative course and prognosis // Innovative Medicine of Kuban. 2021. 2. pp. 44-51. doi: 10.35401/2500-0268-2021-22-2-44-51. Q4. IF 0.2. https://www.innovmedkub.ru/jour/article/view/419?locale=en_US
  6. Tonyan A.G., Khan V.V., Khalafyan A.A., Bynyakin A.V., Avakyan S.N., Lymar M. Pathogenetic development factors of position-dependent changes in oxygen saturation // Vestnik Vosstanovitel'noj Mediciny. 2021. 20(3). pp. 77-90. doi: 10.38025/2078-1962-2021-20-3-77-90. Q3. IF 0.5. https://www.vvmr.ru/en/archives/2021/3-20-iyun-2021/tekhnologii-vosstanovitelnoy-meditsiny-i-meditsinskoy-reabilitatsii/2021-20-patogeneticheskie-faktory-razvitiya-pozicionnozavisimyh-izmenenii-saturacii-kisloroda.html
  7. Tkhatl L.K., Stavenchuk T.V., Khalafyan A.A., Kosmacheva E., Pashkova I. Assessment of heart transplant recipients’ survival based on ultrasound diagnostic methods and immunological screening of antibodies to leukocyte donor antigens // Russian Journal of Cardiology. 2019. 8. pp. 44-51. doi:10.15829/1560-4071-2019-8-44-51. Q4. IF 0.7. https://russjcardiol.elpub.ru/jour/article/view/3143?locale=en_US
  8. Karakhalis L., Filipovich A., Khalafyan A. Optimization of methods for correcting disorders of vaginal normocenosis in the primary treatment of patients // Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii. 2021. 20(2). pp. 50-57. doi: 10.20953/1726-1678-2021-2-50-57. Q3. IF 1.7. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46194387
  9. Tatarintseva Z.G., Kosmacheva E.D., Kruchinova S.V., Khalafyan A.A., Akinshina V.A. Prediction of the Possibility of Hemorrhagic Syndrome during Combined Antiplatelet Therapy According to the Krasnodar Region Registry // Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. 2019. 15(5). pp. 697-705. doi: 10.20996/1819-6446-2019-15-5-697-705. Q4. IF 0.5. https://www.rpcardio.com/jour/article/view/2041
  10. Tatarintseva Z.G., Kosmacheva E.D., Kruchinova S.V., Khalafyan A.A., Akinshina V.A. Predicting Methods for Analyzing Data on Fatal Outcome Possibility in the Combination of Acute Coronary Syndrome and Atrial Fibrillation According to the Krasnodar Region Registry // Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. 2019. 15(3). pp. 379-385. doi:10.20996/1819-6446-2019-15-3-379-385. Q2. IF 0.8. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334284363_...
  11. Khalafyan A., Shevchenko I., Tretyakova S. Data Analysis as a Toolkit for Construction and Evaluation of Consistency of Banks Ratings // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2019. DSIC 2019. Pp. 345-359. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-37737-3_31. Q4. IF 0.61. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-37737-3_31
  12. Kosmacheva E.D., Babich A.E., Khalafian A.A., Akin'shina V.A. Cardiovascular disorders, quality of life, and compliance in the structure of neural network prognostic model of complications development in liver transplant recipients // Consilium medicum. 2019. 21(5). pp. 84-90. doi:10.26442/20751753.2019.5.190426. Q4. IF 0.6. https://consilium.orscience.ru/2075-1753/article/view/96850
Халафян Алексан Альбертович
Руководитель лаборатории
Профессор кафедры анализа данных и искусственного интеллекта Кубанского государственного университета, доктор технических наук, автор более 200 научных работ, учебников и монографий.

E-mail: statlab@kubsu.ru.